
Some things I’ve done…

Prevent your work from being shelved


On Tuesday 9th October my colleague Lauren and I presented at a local meet-up: SWUX using the format of a 10 minute presentation and then a 45 minute workshop.

As a Strategist and Researcher, Lauren and I have experienced our work being shelved, diluted or compromised countless times and it’s painful, disempowering and makes you wonder ‘What’s the point!’ Over the years of seeing this happen we have identified some of the reasons why and how you can mitigate against it.


The presentation consisted of reasons why work gets shelved and Ways of working we have adopted to mitigate against this.

During the workshop the audience worked in groups to map out the happy path for a provided scenario, mapped the underpinning elements that would make the happy path possible, ways that the happy path and underpinning elements could go wrong and then how they would design the service to fix or support those failures. Finally each team presentaed their scenario, failure and solution back to them room.

It was energetic, fast paced and everyone really enjoyed themselves! The icing on the cake was when the SWUX organisers told Lauren and I… 

“That was the best meet-up we’ve ever hosted!”
